
啊哦!似乎我们马上就遇到了一个错误。这里我就不细讲了,但是有时候我们必须对SelectorGadget保持谨慎。这是一个很好的工具,通常可以完美地工作。然而,有时候看起来正确的选择(例如,用黄色突出显示的东西)并不是我们想要的。我特意选择了这个Wikipedia 100m的例子,因为我想展示这个潜在的陷阱。再次强调:网络抓取既是一门科学,也是一门艺术。

## [1] "data.frame"
## Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): strings not representable in native encoding will
## be translated to UTF-8
## [1] "time"              "athlete"           "nationality"      
## [4] "location_of_races" "date"
## # A tibble: 21 x 5
##     time athlete               nationality    location_of_races       date      
##    <dbl> <chr>                 <chr>          <chr>                   <date>    
##  1  10.8 <NA>                  United States  Paris, France           1891-07-04
##  2  10.8 Luther Cary           United Kingdom Brussels, Belgium       1892-09-25
##  3  10.8 Cecil Lee             Belgium        Brussels, Belgium       1893-08-04
##  4  10.8 étienne De Ré         United Kingdom Frankfurt/Main, Germany 1895-04-13
##  5  10.8 L. Atcherley          United Kingdom Rotterdam, Netherlands  1895-08-28
##  6  10.8 Harry Beaton          Sweden         Helsingborg, Sweden     1896-08-09
##  7  10.8 Harald Anderson-Arbin Sweden         G<U+00E4>vle, Sweden           1898-09-11
##  8  10.8 Isaac Westergren      Sweden         G<U+00E4>vle, Sweden           1899-09-10
##  9  10.8 10.8                  United States  Paris, France           1900-07-14
## 10  10.8 Frank Jarvis          United States  Paris, France           1900-07-14
## # ... with 11 more rows


## [1] "data.frame"
## Warning: 3 failed to parse.
## # A tibble: 20 x 8
##     time wind    auto athlete   nationality  location_of_race   date       ref  
##    <dbl> <chr>  <dbl> <chr>     <chr>        <chr>              <date>     <chr>
##  1  10   "2.0"  10.2  Jim Hines "United Sta~ Modesto, USA       1967-05-27 "[2]"
##  2  10   "1.8"  NA    Enrique ~ "Cuba"       Budapest, Hungary  1967-06-17 "[2]"
##  3  10   "0.0"  NA    Paul Nash "South Afri~ Krugersdorp, Sout~ 1968-04-02 "[2]"
##  4  10   "1.1"  NA    Oliver F~ "United Sta~ Albuquerque, USA   1968-05-31 "[2]"
##  5  10   "2.0"  10.2  Oliver F~ "Charles Gr~ Sacramento, USA    1968-06-20 "[2]"
##  6  10   "2.0"  10.3  Oliver F~ "Charles Gr~ Roger Bambuck      NA         ""   
##  7   9.9 "0.8"  10.0  Jim Hines "United Sta~ Sacramento, USA    1968-06-20 "[2]"
##  8   9.9 "0.9"  10.1  Ronnie R~ "United Sta~ Sacramento, USA    1968-06-20 ""   
##  9   9.9 "0.9"  10.1  Charles ~ "United Sta~ Sacramento, USA    1968-06-20 ""   
## 10   9.9 "0.3"   9.95 Jim Hines "United Sta~ Mexico City, Mexi~ 1968-10-14 "[2]"
## 11   9.9 "0.0"  NA    Eddie Ha~ "United Sta~ Eugene, USA        1972-07-01 "[2]"
## 12   9.9 "0.0"  NA    Eddie Ha~ "United Sta~ United States      NA         ""   
## 13   9.9 "1.3"  NA    Steve Wi~ "United Sta~ Los Angeles, USA   1974-06-21 "[2]"
## 14   9.9 "1.7"  NA    Silvio L~ "Cuba"       Ostrava, Czechosl~ 1975-06-05 "[2]"
## 15   9.9 "0.0"  NA    Steve Wi~ "United Sta~ Siena, Italy       1975-07-16 "[2]"
## 16   9.9 "<U+2212>0.2" NA    Steve Wi~ ""           Berlin, Germany    1975-08-22 "[2]"
## 17   9.9 "0.7"  NA    Steve Wi~ ""           Gainesville, USA   1976-03-27 "[2]"
## 18   9.9 "0.7"  NA    Steve Wi~ "Harvey Gla~ Columbia, USA      1976-04-03 "[2]"
## 19   9.9 ""     NA    Steve Wi~ ""           Baton Rouge, USA   1976-05-01 "[2]"
## 20   9.9 "1.7"  NA    Don Quar~ "Jamaica"    Modesto, USA       1976-05-22 "[2]"
## # A tibble: 54 x 8
##     time wind   auto athlete    nationality  location_of_race   date       ref  
##    <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <chr>      <chr>        <chr>              <date>     <chr>
##  1  10.6 ""     NA   Donald Li~ United Stat~ Stockholm, Sweden  1912-07-06 [2]  
##  2  10.6 ""     NA   Jackson S~ United Stat~ Stockholm, Sweden  1920-09-16 [2]  
##  3  10.4 ""     NA   Charley P~ United Stat~ Redlands, USA      1921-04-23 [2]  
##  4  10.4 "0.0"  NA   Eddie Tol~ United Stat~ Stockholm, Sweden  1929-08-08 [2]  
##  5  10.4 ""     NA   Eddie Tol~ United Stat~ Copenhagen, Denma~ 1929-08-25 [2]  
##  6  10.3 ""     NA   Percy Wil~ Canada       Toronto, Ontario,~ 1930-08-09 [2]  
##  7  10.3 "0.4"  10.4 Eddie Tol~ United Stat~ Los Angeles, USA   1932-08-01 [2]  
##  8  10.3 ""     NA   Eddie Tol~ Ralph Metca~ Budapest, Hungary  1933-08-12 [2]  
##  9  10.3 ""     NA   Eddie Tol~ Eulace Peac~ Oslo, Norway       1934-08-06 [2]  
## 10  10.3 ""     NA   Chris Ber~ Netherlands  Amsterdam, Nether~ 1934-08-26 [2]  
## # ... with 44 more rows
## # A tibble: 24 x 8
##     time wind   auto athlete nationality location_of_race date      
##    <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <chr>   <chr>       <chr>            <date>    
##  1 10.1  1.3      NA Bob Ha~ United Sta~ Tokyo, Japan     1964-10-15
##  2 10.0  0.8      NA Jim Hi~ United Sta~ Sacramento, USA  1968-06-20
##  3 10.0  2.0      NA Charle~ United Sta~ Mexico City, Me~ 1968-10-13
##  4  9.95 0.3      NA Jim Hi~ United Sta~ Mexico City, Me~ 1968-10-14
##  5  9.93 1.4      NA Calvin~ United Sta~ Colorado Spring~ 1983-07-03
##  6  9.83 1.0      NA Ben Jo~ Canada      Rome, Italy      1987-08-30
##  7  9.93 1.1      NA Carl L~ United Sta~ Rome, Italy      1987-08-30
##  8  9.93 1.1      NA Carl L~ United Sta~ Zürich, Switzer~ 1988-08-17
##  9  9.79 1.1      NA Ben Jo~ Canada      Seoul, South Ko~ 1988-09-24
## 10  9.92 1.1      NA Carl L~ United Sta~ Seoul, South Ko~ 1988-09-24
## # ... with 14 more rows, and 1 more variable: notes_note_2 <chr>
## # A tibble: 99 x 7
##     time athlete  nationality location_of_rac~ date       era   location_of_race
##    <dbl> <chr>    <chr>       <chr>            <date>     <chr> <chr>           
##  1  10.8 <NA>     United Sta~ Paris, France    1891-07-04 Pre-~ <NA>            
##  2  10.8 Luther ~ United Kin~ Brussels, Belgi~ 1892-09-25 Pre-~ <NA>            
##  3  10.8 Cecil L~ Belgium     Brussels, Belgi~ 1893-08-04 Pre-~ <NA>            
##  4  10.8 étienne~ United Kin~ Frankfurt/Main,~ 1895-04-13 Pre-~ <NA>            
##  5  10.8 L. Atch~ United Kin~ Rotterdam, Neth~ 1895-08-28 Pre-~ <NA>            
##  6  10.8 Harry B~ Sweden      Helsingborg, Sw~ 1896-08-09 Pre-~ <NA>            
##  7  10.8 Harald ~ Sweden      G<U+00E4>vle, Sweden    1898-09-11 Pre-~ <NA>            
##  8  10.8 Isaac W~ Sweden      G<U+00E4>vle, Sweden    1899-09-10 Pre-~ <NA>            
##  9  10.8 10.8     United Sta~ Paris, France    1900-07-14 Pre-~ <NA>            
## 10  10.8 Frank J~ United Sta~ Paris, France    1900-07-14 Pre-~ <NA>            
## # ... with 89 more rows


  • read_html读取html页面
  • html_node结合css得到内容
  • html_table得到表格内容
  • as_tibble转换数据框
  • clean_names得到整洁列名称
  • mutate对列进行处理
  • ggplot对数据进行可视化